Continuum By John Mayer

Review by MuzikMan
John Mayer has a deep abiding respect for the blues, and never has it been more apparent than on his superb album Continuum. When Mayer made the switch to the blues, some folks seemed caught off guard and confused, nevertheless his true fans knew better. Personally, I have heard a lot about this artist but never sat down and listened to any of his work. Now I am sorry I missed so much. I was glad to hear he shook all the comparisons to Dave Matthews and developed his own identity and unique sound.Continuum is a true classic of our time, a sparkling and memorable production that deserves all the gushing and media attention it has been receiving and will continue to get many years from now. John Mayer arrived a few years ago but this time out he has made a statement that he is here to stay and expect more of the same in the future. As we are waiting for the world to change, we can listen to good music and do our part to change it.
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