Seth Green Signs Deal With Dimension
Dimension Films has signed a two picture deal with Seth Green and Matthew Senreich's Stoopid Monkey Productions. The deal includes a stop-motion animated holiday feature titled Naughty or Nice, and a live-action untitled comedy. The duo, who created and executive produce, write and direct Cartoon Network's Adult Swim stop-motion animated show Robot Chicken, will produce both projects under their production company Stoopid Monkey Productions. This deal marks Stoopid Monkey's first foray into film. The joint announcement was made today by Bob Weinstein, co-chairman of The Weinstein Company, Seth Green and Matthew Senreich. Naughty or Nice, a stop-motion animated holiday family feature, will be produced by Green, Senreich and DC comic book writer Geoff Johns. Senreich and Johns are also penning and co-directing. Green will direct the voiceovers and provide the voice of at least one of the main characters. Corey Campodonico and Alex Bulkley's Shadowmachine Films, which also produces Robot Chicken, will produce at their Los Angeles animation production studio. The second project, a live action untitled comedy, will be written by Tom Root, co-head writer, co-producer and director of Robot Chicken. Root will produce the film based on his original idea, with Shadowmachine, Green and Senreich. Details of the project have not been disclosed. Bob Weinstein stated, Seth and Matthew have come up with two incredibly unique projects that will showcase their talent to a wide audience. Seth Green stated, For as long as I can remember, I've heard that the Weinsteins make and distribute unconventional films without sacrificing quality. They are creator-friendly and we're thrilled to be in business with them.
Richard Saperstein, president of production, Matthew Stein, senior vice president of production, and Alex Franklin, director of development and production will oversee the projects for Dimension.
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