Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt

No wise men showed up when Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt made her historic debut in Namibia this weekend, but the absence of gold, frankincense and myrrh didn't do much to quell the excitement caused by Brad and Angelina's new addition. The eagerly anticipated ankle-biter begins life with the unenviable expectations of her A-list genetics (early word is she has indeed been blessed in the looks department) and the fervent prayers of a hopeful nation (no, not this one). Here's the latest on Brangelina's bundle of joy:
The delivery: According to People, Shiloh arrived Saturday night at Cottage Medi-Clinic in Swakopmund, with Angelina's Los Angeles obstetrician, Jason Rothbart, M.D., performing a caesarean delivery because of a "breech presentation." "The baby was a healthy 7 pounds," the doc tells the mag. "Brad was with Angelina in the operating room the entire time and cut the umbilical cord of his daughter. The surgery and birth went flawlessly. The staff, nurses and doctors I worked with at the Cottage Medi-Clinic Hospital were amazing, it was a team effort." The Jolie-Pitts were equally effusive about the local hospital personnel, thanking them for "their kindness and commitment in assuring the successful birth of our daughter." Mother and baby "are fantastic," a source tells People. Jolie, 30, is expected to return soon to the swanky -- and fortified -- Burning Shores lodge, where the family has been holed up since early April.
A brunette beauty with Brad's beak: Shiloh is "a beautiful baby," a loose-lipped insider tattles to In Touch. "She has tufts of brown hair, and Brad's nose." No word on whether she was lucky enough to get her mom's famous pillow lips.

The Second Coming: With Shiloh the Hebrew word for "Messiah" and Nouvel French for "new," there's been speculation that the tyke's tag may be a wink-wink, nudge-nudge nod to talk that her birth is the most heralded since that little nipper in Bethlehem. But the more popular Biblical derivation of Shiloh is "the peaceful one," which fits nicely with her do-gooder mom's work as a U.N. goodwill ambassador. There's also a theory floating around that "Nouvel" could be architecture-buff Brad's tribute to famed French architect Jean Nouvel.
Jen's congratulatory call?: Did Jennifer Aniston's put her plans for a blowout pity party on hold to wish the Jolie-Pitts well? So says Life & Style, which claims that after a discussion with her "Break-Up" beau Vince Vaughn, she "decided to call Brad's manager and give congratulations from them both." According to a snitch, Aniston was "proud of herself" for "getting over her personal feelings to pass on her best wishes to the whole family." Adds a source to In Touch (via Perez Hilton), "Jen's really relieved now that Angelina's given birth. It's finally over. The baby is born, she'll grow up and maybe now everybody will stop asking her about it."
Grandpa reaches out: Jon Voight isn't going to let a little thing like bad blood keep him from celebrating the birth of his grandchild. "I am just so happy for them," Angie's estranged dad tells Life & Style. "I wish them all the happiness in the world." Jolie's ex-husband Jonny Lee Miller was also willing to share his sentiments with the press, telling the London Sun, "I wish them all the best."
Brad's simple gift: What do you give the woman who's been incubating your progeny for nine long months? Brad, 42, went the craftsy route, presenting Angelina with a braided bracelet made locally by a young girl, reports In Touch. Family-oriented guy that he is, he purportedly picked up a matching bracelet for himself, along with three more for Shiloh, Maddox, 4, and Zahara, 16 months.
How Brangelina marked the birth: Namibia has zealously protected the paparazzi-averse Jolie-Pitts by placing severe restrictions on any press trying to enter the country (written permission from the megastars is required) and aiding their bodyguards in keeping the media at bay (police reportedly ringed the hospital where Jolie delivered). As a show of gratitude to the country that has done so much to guard their privacy, Brangelina have coughed up some cold hard cash, donating $300,000 to needy Namibian newborns. The money will be used to improve maternity wards at hospitals in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund (Namibia's infant mortality rate is 48 deaths per 1,000 births; the U.S. rate, by comparison, is 5 deaths per 1,000 births, which, by the by, is among the worst in the developed world). "We want to contribute to Namibia and the people who have been so gracious to us at this time," announced the altruistic amours, who also gave another $15,000 to a local school and community center.
How Namibians marked the birth: Brad and Angelina's decision to deliver in the poverty-stricken nation has been greeted with elation. "I have been inundated with phone calls from Namibians all over the country who have heard the news and the people are celebrating in the streets, and special prayers have gone out to them in the churches," the governor of the Erongo region enthuses to Us Weekly. "Just like Angelina, this precious Namibian-born baby will be our ambassador. This family has opened the doors for us to the world, who now look upon Namibia with new eyes."
Shiloh, Citizen of the World: The newest member of the world's most beautiful family (as dubbed by People, which is believed to have the inside track on the first photo, a sought-after shot that will reportedly be acquired in exchange for a whopping $5 million donation to UNICEF) will share a connection to Africa with her siblings. Jolie adopted Maddox from Cambodia but assumed custody of him in Namibia while shooting "Beyond Borders," and she adopted Zahara, with Pitt by her side, from Ethiopia last summer. By law, Shiloh is eligible for Namibian citizenship, says tourism Minister Leon Jooste, who adds that he plans to discuss the matter with her parents "at a later stage."
Brad's dad dream: Hard to believe, but it was only a year and a half ago that Pitt opened up to Diane Sawyer about his loudly ticking biological clock. "Yes, I have got family on the mind," he emotionally admitted in December 2004. "Jen and I have been working something out. Little girls, they just crush me -- they break my heart." While that "something" didn't quite work out with Jen, his headlong sprint into domestic bliss with Jolie has. According to In Touch, the proud pop has been gushing about his offspring to pals over e-mail and passing out cigars.
What's next: The Jolie-Pitts will reportedly spend a few more weeks in Namibia before returning to Paris, where they're expected to rendezvous with Brad's family. After that, says In Touch, they'll head back to the Los Angeles, where Pitt is due to start work on "Ocean's Thirteen" in July.